moonlight labs


Moonlight labs is a Venture Technology Studio that provides software, technology leadership, and integration services to help companies reach milestones.

This project was created during an 8 hour design sprint requested by the client with the goal of creating a form builder landing page as well as a wireframe of a form creation page.


ux designer

user research, design strategy, visual design, wireframing, prototyping

what’s the problem?

I had meetings with the client and came to understand the business goals and needs for this project.

Through these meetings It became apparent that:

  • The client needed a visual representation on their landing page that would allow their potential customers to gain a basic understanding of what a form builder can provide.

  • A rough draft of a form builder page was needed to begin the process of creating the user flows as well as the user experience as a whole.

my approach

Having established the desire products I began my approach to this design process with the double diamond method as usual.

going into this project I knew that with the limited time and resources I would have to overlook some of the steps of the double diamond method that should be reviewed in future iterations. With this knowledge ahead of time I focused on:

  • discovering and defining the problem

  • conducting user research

  • developing and designing the solution

  • reviewing and reiterating the design based on research

what did i find?

Having established the problems with the client I began my process by diving into the research.

I began with comparative and competitive analysis to gain an understanding of the market and how the competition was tackling visual representation of their services.

From the analysis these were the key findings:

  • Landing pages with visual representation of the services and products were vital to success.

  • Layouts that simplify the user experience and shorten the process of providing the product or service provided the greatest success.

design process

With a clear agenda I began the design process by creating the basic layouts I believe would best achieve the client’s goals.

Here are some sketches I drew up based on the competitive analysis and market research.

From these sketches I was able to find the direction I wanted to go with the designs.

From these versions I moved on to create the digital prototypes.

Here are the prototypes I came up with

next steps

  • Continue to work on and implement on the landing page as well as the form creation page

  • Continue to ideate and conduct user testing and research to improve usability and practicality.

  • Continue to iterate, test, and improve on what we learn from users and their feedback.

what i learned

From this design sprint I learned the importance of time allocation and setting priorities based on the customer’s needs. I was able to determine through our meeting that the landing page that displayed a visual of what their products provide was the main priority which was why I was able to confidently allocate my time to into each objective.